A Norfolk country music singer who spent a decade performing in Nashville, Tennessee, is putting her pride and joy guitar up for sale to fund surgery she needs after her breast implant burst.

Hayley Moyses, from Harleston, suffered a ruptured implant in a freak accident when she fell into her bedside table 18 months ago.

The accident left the 57-year-old mother-of-one with silicone leaking into her muscles which has twice required surgery - first to take out the broken implants and then to remove the leaked silicone.

Eastern Daily Press:

But Ms Moyses, who returned to Norfolk from Nashville after being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 12 years ago, says her latest setback has left her devoid of all confidence and reluctant to return to the stage.

The singer - who specialises in bluegrass music and also plays guitar, violin, piano, dobro mandolin and banjo - first had breast implants put in 20 years ago and until the accident experienced no issues with them.

Eastern Daily Press:

She has an appointment to have her implants replaced at the private Spire Hospital next week.

However, the surgery will set her back £15,600 - which she is borrowing from family members of her partner, sculptor Oliver MacDonald.

But to help repay the debt she is attempting to sell her pride and joy - a custom-made guitar she paid £1,000 for 20 years ago.

Eastern Daily Press:

She said: "I've been performing all my life, I was in a family band growing up, but from the age of about 12 my mum always told me I would never be famous because I didn't have any boobs. 

"That has always stuck with me and although I had them done, I never really showed them off - it just made me feel like a normal woman.

"Now I feel like I've had a double mastectomy as I've been left with just loose skin where my breasts were.

"It will make such a massive difference to my life and help me try and get back to where I want to be - on the stage."

Eastern Daily Press:

Mr MacDonald said: "The psychological trauma she has gone through has been immense - we are both disabled and living off benefits but the money has to come from somewhere."

Ms Moyses took her guitar to Cookes Band Instruments, in St Benedict's Street for help selling the instrument.

However, Mark Hedge, boss of the store, has instead set up a Go Fund Me page to help raise some money towards the treatment so she can keep the instrument.

He said: "I have known Hayley forever and when I last saw her she was so unwell, so I just wanted to do something to help.

"I could tell she didn't want to sell the guitar and I didn't want to sell it for her either - for any musician giving up their instrument can be like giving up a body part."

The appeal has so far raised £1,180 towards the cost of the surgery, with members of the local bluegrass community rallying around the performer.

Ms Moyses said: "I'm incredibly grateful for everybody who has helped so far, it's wonderful to have so many people wanting to support you."

Ms Moyses, who has a 23-year-old son called Lewis, spent nine years living in Nashville, the spiritual home of country music.

She regularly performed in bands including the Hayley Moyses Britgrass 3 and would also appear at events and festivals around Norfolk.

However, due to her MS diagnosis - which means she uses a wheelchair - her performances have become fewer and farther between.

But in 2021 she recorded an album of original material called New Shoes for Nashville, returning to the stage the following year.