A teenage motorcyclist has denied dangerous driving over a crash that left a 13-year-old schoolboy with a fractured skull. 

Ronan Harvey, 18, was riding a Lexmoto XTR 125cc bike when hit the youngster as he crossed the A140 on foot at Saxlingham Thorpe, between Newton Flotman and Tasburgh, on June 13 last year. 

Norwich Magistrates’ Court heard the boy had been unresponsive at the roadside and was rushed to hospital with potential life-threatening injuries. 

He was subsequently found to have a fractured skull which has left some brain damage causing memory loss and affecting his schooling. 

READ MORE: Teenage boy in hospital with serious injuries after A140 crash

Sarah Fiddy, prosecuting, said traffic in both directions had been stationary when he crossed the road. 

Harvey, of Brick Kiln Road in Morningthorpe, who was aged 17 at the time of the crash, pleaded not guilty to causing serious injury by dangerous driving. 

Gina Mattioli, for Harvey, said he would admit a lesser charge of careless driving if it was put to him. 

Magistrates committed his trial to be heard at Norwich Crown Court saying it was “too serious” for their powers.