A 24-year-old man who deliberately put ferrets in a cage which led to the death of a chicken has been banned from keeping animals for five years. 

Harry Locker, of Nethergate Street in Hopton, pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering to a protected animal, namely a white coloured chicken, at Suffolk Magistrates' Court on January 22.

The RSPCA was alerted to the incident, which took place in Barningham, by a member of the public. 

Eastern Daily Press: Police found videos of the incidents on his phonePolice found videos of the incidents on his phone (Image: Newsquest)

The authority was told the bird had deliberately been put in the cage with ferrets.

Following his arrest, three videos were found on his phone showing the ferret attacking and killing a chicken.

A vet who examined the videos said the suffering was caused directly by the person who had placed the bird in the cage.

The ferrets are now in the care of the RSPCA.

Locker was banned from keeping all animals (except dogs) for five years and given an 18 month community order to carry out 200 hours of unpaid work and 15 rehabilitation activity requirement days.

He was also ordered to pay  £1,964 in costs.

RSPCA Inspector Caroline Richardson said: “The footage is very difficult to watch.

"Animals are sentient creatures who feel emotions and this poor bird was made to suffer for almost three minutes while it was attacked. 

"I am pleased the defendant has been held to account for his actions. I hope this case sends out a clear message that deliberate cruelty of this kind is not ever acceptable."

In mitigation, the defendant said that he had mental health issues - and that this was a foolish thing to have done."

Sergeant Brian Calver, of Suffolk police, said: "Any kind of cruelty to animals is unacceptable and taken seriously by Suffolk police.

"There is often a correlation between animal cruelty and other criminality, so it’s right and proper that these offences are dealt with robustly."