A new bid has been launched urging City Hall to backtrack on a controversial scheme which has allowed developers to sidestep millions in tax.

Norwich City Council's Labour-controlled council recently agreed a scheme which allows developers to apply not to pay a tax known as community infrastructure levy (CIL).

The scheme has helped pave the way for the redevelopment of Anglia Square, with developers Weston Homes successfully applying for the exemption.

The move means the developer will not have to pay £2.3m in CIL - the fund collected by City Hall, Broadland and South Norfolk councils which is pooled together and used for projects to benefit the community such as schools, libraries and leisure centres.

But a group of newly independent city councillors  - who resigned from Labour last year - has lodged a fresh bid to scrap the controversial move.

Eastern Daily Press:

A motion going before the council instead calls for the loophole to be closed to developers and only made available to charitable organisations.

Karen Davis, who tabled the motion, said: "It is unfathomable that the cabinet is handing millions of pounds worth of tax breaks to developers.

"Labour has criticised the Tories for years for this kind of behaviour and now it is happening on our own doorstep.

"You can't claim to be the party of equality if you favour those at the bottom losing out and those at the top lining their pockets with money that should be there to help everyone in the city."

Eastern Daily Press: Green Party councillor Jamie Osborn.

Green councillor Jamie Osborn said the opposition group would be backing the calls.

He said: "Developers who are making profits out of building in Norwich should pay their fair share towards the needs of local people who will be living in the area.

"The council should not be letting developers inflate their profits over the needs of the city."

Mike Stonard, leader of the council, has previously defended the decision, stating: "If the scheme is not viable, it does not go ahead and there is no CIL, so let's stop talking about CIL that's been forgone.

"This is imaginary money that we're talking about which does not actually exist."

City Hall has been approached for comment.