Staff at a city school are celebrating after receiving a third ‘outstanding’ rating in a row from inspectors.

In its first Ofsted visit since 2010, Chapel Break Infant School in Bowthorpe has retained the top rating, which was also achieved in 2010 and 2006. 

The inspection, which was carried out on December 7 and 8, was assessed under the new Ofsted framework which came into place in September last year.

The school was successful in gaining the 'outstanding' rating in every category of the inspection, including Leadership and Management, Behaviour and Attitudes and Quality of Education.

Eastern Daily Press: Pupils at Chapel Break Infant School celebrate their school's top Ofsted ratingPupils at Chapel Break Infant School celebrate their school's top Ofsted rating (Image: Chapel Break Infant School)

Chapel Break headteacher, Mandy Turner, said: “I would personally like to thank the staff for their unwavering dedication, passion and commitment to creating an environment where the children are all eager to do well, thoroughly enjoy their learning and feel very well cared for.”

The report noted the quality of the school’s ‘Curiosity Curriculum’ which according to inspectors is “ambitious, carefully sequenced and fun”.

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The inspectors also praised the school’s classes which they said "fizz with excitement as pupils explore or discover something new".

The report also praised the school’s children, stating: “Pupils show genuine warmth and care towards each other. The school values of kindness, community, curiosity and excellence are understood by all.”

Eastern Daily Press: Chapel Break Infant School headteacher Mandy TurnerChapel Break Infant School headteacher Mandy Turner (Image: Chapel Break Infant School)

Mrs Turner believes the root of the school’s success can be found in “the strength of our community, the children, the staff, our families and governors”.

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She added: “The report highlights how all staff and children uphold our values of kindness, community, curiosity and excellence.

"It confirms that we are highly ambitious for all our children and that we are a school where all pupils thrive.”

The infant school has 168 pupils aged between four and seven on its roll.