A school on the outskirts of Norwich will FINALLY be able to use its playing field fully after more than three years. 

Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School has reached an agreement with Norfolk County Council which will see its "unusable" field levelled and reseeded. 

The surface has been uneven, filled with stones and unable to drain adequately since the school was completed and handed over in 2020. 

But now council chiefs have agreed to help fund and carry out works which will help bring it into full use.

"The school field has been in an unusable condition since 2020," said Woodside headteacher Louise Mainwaring. 

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"I am delighted that we finally have reached a satisfactory conclusion.

"The local authority have agreed to rotavate and level the whole field, remove all stones and building rubbish left behind and then reseed.

Eastern Daily Press: Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School's headteacher Louise MainwaringHethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School's headteacher Louise Mainwaring (Image: Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School)

"The field will then require intensive maintenance for a while, and we have managed to get the LA to agree to pay towards this cost so that the school is not paying the total cost.

"The school will then continue to maintain it, as all schools are expected to.

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"We are very pleased with this outcome and look forward to seeing Woodside children enjoying the field throughout the year."

Eastern Daily Press: The playing field at Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery SchoolThe playing field at Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School (Image: Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School)

The county council said the cost of the project had not yet been confirmed. 

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And a spokesman for the authority said it had become the council's responsibility as "some works have been undertaken as part of the contract for building the school".

Eastern Daily Press: Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School headteacher Louise MainwaringHethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School headteacher Louise Mainwaring (Image: Hethersett Woodside Primary & Nursery School)

They added: "Some of the issues relate to wider ground conditions in Hethersett, along with adverse weather conditions, so there are a number of factors causing the issue.

"I can confirm the school has been using the playing field and we are working closely with Hethersett Woodside Primary and Nursery School to improve the overall condition of the field."