Alison Page, sales director at Barratt and David Wilson Homes Anglia, speaks about the interior design trends that are set to be big in 2024.

As we usher in the new year, it’s time to say goodbye to the trends of yesteryear and embrace the innovative interior design inspiration that will define homes across the UK in 2024.

At Barratt and David Wilson Homes, we’re thrilled to bring you top emerging designs that promise to kick off the year in style and transform your living spaces into modern havens of comfort and elegance.

Nature’s palette

This year, interior design takes inspiration from nature’s soothing hues. Expect to see shades of earthy greens, soft blues, and warm browns dominating colour schemes.

Infuse your home with tranquillity by incorporating botanical prints, natural textures, and sustainable materials. Create a haven that not only looks good but also feels good for the environment.

Smart living spaces

As technology continues to evolve, so does the way we live in our homes. More and more homebuyers across the UK are embracing the convenience and efficiency of smart home devices.

From automated lighting and climate control to integrated security systems, 2024 is the year to make your home a hub of connectivity.

Eastern Daily Press: Alison Page, sales director at Barratt and David Wilson HomesAlison Page, sales director at Barratt and David Wilson Homes (Image: Barratt and David Wilson Homes Anglia)

Embrace texture and contrast

Ditch the monotony of uniform surfaces and welcome the era of mixed materials.

Combining metals with natural woods, pairing plush fabrics with sleek metals, and layering textures will create visually stimulating interiors.

Our homes are designed with careful attention to detail, ensuring a harmonious blend of materials that exude sophistication.

Connect with nature indoors

The biophilic design trend continues to gain momentum in 2024. Integrate natural elements such as indoor plants, water features and natural light to create a harmonious and balanced living environment.

Our properties are designed to maximise natural light and incorporate green spaces, which help to maintain a connection with nature even in urban settings.

Personalised spaces for every member of the family

In 2024, individualised spaces for each family member are taking centre stage.

From cosy reading nooks to personalised workstations, we are committed to providing versatile living spaces that cater to the unique needs and interests of every member of 
your family.

For more information, call the Barratt Homes sales team on 03301 735749 or the David Wilson Homes sales team on 03308 187788. Alternatively, visit and