A Norfolk woman who became suicidal while going through the menopause has launched a £90,000 appeal to help other women.

Diane Danzebrink founded Menopause Support in 2015 after her mental health deteriorated because of her symptoms and being left shocked by a lack of information being made available to help women cope.

In July last year, the organisation published a 44-page information booklet - Understanding Menopause - which has seen 100,000 copies distributed across the country.

However, she is now hoping to produce a further 250,000 copies to be sent to GP practices, health centres and similar locations around the UK.

This, she says, will fill a "dangerous void" in information about how menopause can impact on the lives of women.

She said: "GPs and practice nurses still do not receive mandatory menopause training and there is still no government-funded public health campaign for menopause.

"It is not acceptable that women must struggle during this period of their life without access to specialist medical support and information - we are changing that.

"We are being let down and it is completely unacceptable."

To produce the new leaflets, however, the organisation needs to raise £90,000 - which has sparked the launch of a fundraising appeal.

Ms Danzebrink added: "In 2023, in just four months, 100,000 copies were sent out to locations around the UK.

"Many of those who requested copies were GP practices and NHS trusts, clearly demonstrating the void that exists in terms of information.

"For the cost of a cappuccino, you could be providing 10 people with a copy of a booklet which will help them navigate one of the most challenging periods in their life."

The leaflet, which is also available for free online as a PDF, contains a symptom checker, information on treatment options and guidance on how to prepare for a GP appointment.

To download a free copy or support the fundraising campaign, visit www.menopausesupport.co.uk