A Great Yarmouth couple have found a new lease of life after losing a combined nine stone.

After moving to the town for his retirement, Derek Langridge, 66, felt he needed a "good kick up the bum" to help him live a healthier lifestyle.

But after signing up for Slimming World using the Norfolk free referral scheme in 2022, Mr Langridge went about making a change with his wife Julie, 65, by his side.

Joining consultant Sarah Burbage's 9.30am group at the Newtown Methodist Church, Mr and Mrs Langridge learned healthier habits and soon began to see the benefits.

Eastern Daily Press: Derek and Julie Langridge before joining Slimming World. Picture - SubmittedDerek and Julie Langridge before joining Slimming World. Picture - Submitted (Image: Submitted)"I have always been a bigger bloke," said Mr Langridge. 

"I was in a vicious cycle of the heavier I got, the less I did, and the less I did, the heavier I got. 

"But at Sarah's group, Julie and I learned more about portion sizes and making simple swaps, cutting out higher calorie foods for healthier, energy-rich foods instead."

As his weight started to go down, Mr Langridge spent more time at his allotment in the fresh air, growing plenty of food to keep his plates full.

"It's been great for my wellbeing, as well as my weight loss," Mr Langridge added.

"Slimming World has definitely been the best plan for me."

Eastern Daily Press: Julie and Derek Langridge have transformed following the Slimming World plan. Picture - SubmittedJulie and Derek Langridge have transformed following the Slimming World plan. Picture - Submitted (Image: Submitted)In two years, Mr Langridge has lost an incredible seven stone. And he remains committed to making it to his target loss of ten stone. During that time, Mrs Langridge also dedicated herself to the plan and became a target member in December, losing a total of two stone.

Mrs Langridge said: "It's been very good for me. There were definitely a few tears along the way.

"But Sarah is so positive and makes everyone laugh. Going to the group has made all the difference, and people support you for the good times and the bad."

The free referral scheme is still available from Norfolk County Council.

For more information, visit https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/care-support-and-health/health-and-wellbeing/adults-health/ready-to-change/how-to-lose-weight/begin-your-weight-loss-journey/weight-management