When receiving a gift, many would not expect a school in Africa to be named after them

But that is exactly what a man from Dereham who spent all his life in education has received.

A new school which will teach 300 pupils in northern Ghana has been built in the name of David Hicks

It happened after an anonymous donation was made in his name to the charity, the Wulugu Project, which meant The David Patrick Hicks School could be established.

Lynne Symonds, the founder of the Norfolk-based charity the Wulugu Project, said: "One of David’s family who knew how important education is to him selected a very needy district in north Ghana and worked with me to build the school. 

Eastern Daily Press: Lynne Symonds, the founder of the Wulugu ProjectLynne Symonds, the founder of the Wulugu Project (Image: Archant © 2012)

"We are so very lucky that we have a wonderful team of Ghanaian volunteers on the ground. They carried out all work to the highest standard."

The Wulugu Project was set up in 1993 to help Ghanaian children out of possible slavery by introducing education, building schools, and bringing clean water and toilets to the area.

Mr Hicks had a career in education, including working for the Norfolk Education Authority, before taking the post of bursar at Blyth Jex School in Norwich.

Eastern Daily Press: Pupils inside The David Patrick Hicks School which opened in Northern GhanaPupils inside The David Patrick Hicks School which opened in Northern Ghana (Image: The Wulugu Project)

Speaking on the donation made in his name, Mr Hicks said: “The anonymous donation is an investment in youngsters, and therefore the future in northern Ghana.

"I felt humbled, grateful and very excited that the new school bore my name.

“I was working on a farm when I was told about this and was handed the paper and photos of the school which had opened in my name.

"I was taken aback and very excited by this, and I think it was an amazing gift, and perhaps the most wonderful gift I have ever been given.”

He is being kept in the loop of how the school is doing.

Eastern Daily Press: The David Patrick Hicks School which opened in Northern GhanaThe David Patrick Hicks School which opened in Northern Ghana (Image: The Wulugu Project)