National NHS bosses fear an IT system used by the maternity department at Norfolk's largest hospital could pose a risk to expectant mothers and their babies.

The Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital has been using the Euroking system for a decade - a computer software used to store crucial data about women and their pregnancies.

But recently, a safety alert was issued over the software with fears a number of suspected glitches could pose a threat to mothers and their babies.

The concerns relate largely to the way new information is saved when it is entered into the IT system.

The alert states that when new information is recorded about a patient, the programme may "overwrite" previously recorded information about the patient - which other information can be "backdated". 

Consequently, there are fears this could lead to inaccuracies in patient records which may affect their care - such as losing blood group data - or suggestions that medics were aware of certain issues before they were.

The alert, from NHS England, has urged trusts using the system to be mindful of these potential glitches and potentially reconsider using the software.

Stephanie Pease, director of midwifery at the N&N, said: "We found no reported instances of harm to our mothers, nor their babies.

"We take matters such as this very seriously and would want to reassure all women using our maternity services that they and their unborn babies are safe.

"We are confident that we capture data required to meet national maternity data standards."

A spokesman from NHS England said: "There have been no reported incidents of harm to mothers and babies related to the technical issues with the Euroking maternity patient record system.

"This patient safety alert has been issued as a precautionary measure to ensure patient safety is maintained within the small number of trusts using this IT system - and to provide clear guidance on how best to address any issues that may arise."