A driver tried to avoid a speeding fine by claiming another man was at the wheel at the time - but blundered by naming someone already banned.

Paulius Vitas, 32, had faced a £100 fixed penalty fine for doing 35mph in a 30 limit but has now been handed a suspended jail sentence.

Norwich Crown Court was told he had falsely claimed another man was driving his Renault Megane when it was caught on a speed camera on the A143 in November 2021.  

The disqualified driver was oblivious to his role in the would-be scam until he was arrested. He was eventually cleared of any involvement.

READ MORE: Fewer speeding drivers clocked in Norfolk convicted in court

Lithuanian national Vitas, of Wolsey Road in Great Yarmouth, pleaded guilty to perverting the course of justice.  

Sentencing him to 16 months, suspended for two years, and 100 hours unpaid work, Recorder Simon Taylor told him: “This is a very serious offence. Someone innocent was arrested and spent significant time in custody, and it wasted a lot of police time and resources.” 

Danielle O’Donovan, mitigating, said: “He lapsed by not knowing what to do when he received the fine. He took it to someone to translate who offered what he thought was a way out of it.”