A new aerial image shows the ongoing development of Great Yarmouth's £25m offshore energy campus.

Earlier this month, major piling works began at the new offshore operations and maintenance campus - based in the South Denes peninsula.

The project is predicted to provide an economic boost and bring hundreds of jobs to the area.

Demolition works on the South Denes peninsula were carried out in 2021 to prepare the site for development, which is now in the hands of national building firm Tilbury Douglas.

A new drone image, taken by photographer Jonathan Howes, shows early progress at the site, with a crane in situ.

Eastern Daily Press: An artist's impression of what the whole Operations and Maintenance Campus area in South Denes, Great Yarmouth, could look like once redeveloped. Picture - NCCAn artist's impression of what the whole Operations and Maintenance Campus area in South Denes, Great Yarmouth, could look like once redeveloped. Picture - NCC (Image: NCC)The £24.8m partnership project, commissioned by Norfolk County Council, is a collaboration with Great Yarmouth Borough Council and the New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership which seeks to capitalise on the well-established offshore renewables sector off the east coast and the Enterprise Zone that covers sites in Great Yarmouth and Lowestoft.

The main construction is expected to take around 12 months to complete.

It will see 190m of river quay refurbished and upgraded, along with the creation of new vessel pontoons and a revised road layout.