Appeals have been launched after council officers refused to allow a telecoms company to install two 5G masts in Norwich streets.

Proposals to put the masts on a footpath close to the Fiveways roundabout in Earlham and next to Newmarket Road, west of Town Close School, were rejected by Norwich City Council earlier this year.

Eastern Daily Press: One of the masts would have been installed close to the Fiveways roundabout petrol stationOne of the masts would have been installed close to the Fiveways roundabout petrol station (Image: Denise Bradley)

City Hall officers used delegated powers, in March, to reject the proposed 15m high Newmarket Road mast and associated cabinets, because of the impact in a designated conservation area.

READ MORE: Southwell Road in Norwich to get 5G mast despite objections

Case officer Maria Hammond said: "When considering the appearance of this particular proposal on its own merits, it is considered that the height, bulk and utilitarian appearance of the mast and cabinets within a verdant, open setting would cause harm to the character and
appearance of the conservation area and setting of locally and statutorily listed buildings."

Eastern Daily Press: A 5G mastA 5G mast (Image: Newsquest.)

The mast would have been immediately outside the grade II-listed Town Close School and land identified in the council's local plan as open space and woodland.

It would be opposite the road from the grade II-listed Albert Terrace, where plans for a 20m tall phone mast were rejected three years ago.

Officers said the benefits of better coverage were not outweighed by the detrimental impact on the conservation area.

The Earlham mast was proposed for a grass verge close to the Fiveways petrol station.

Eastern Daily Press: The Fiveways roundabout in EarlhamThe Fiveways roundabout in Earlham (Image: Nick Butcher)

In that instance, officers did not have an issue with the siting of the 15m tall mast.

READ MORE: Unpopular 5G mast plans for Hall Road withdrawn in Norwich

But they said the equipment cabinets proposed to accompany the mast exceeded the maximum ground area for such a development permitted by policies.

So that application was turned down in March by case officer Stephen Polley using delegated powers.

However, CK Hutchinson - the company behind the proposals - has launched appeals against both of those city council decisions.

The matter is now in the hands of the Planning Inspectorate.

An inspector will now consider the evidence and weigh up whether the rejections were correct, or whether the masts should be permitted.