A scheme aimed at tackling alcohol misuse and associated issues has been launched in Caister and surrounding villages.

The villages' new Community Alcohol Partnership (CAP) was launched from Scratby Village Hall.

CAPs are made up of local representatives such as police, councils, schools, businesses and charities who work together to tackle alcohol misuse and the problems associated with it.

Earlier this year, the Great Yarmouth CAP won a national award for its work in promoting the health and wellbeing of young people in the local area.

The existing schemes have seen young people tagging floors with chalk-based paint, reminding people of the legalities of buying alcohol for people underage.

Eastern Daily Press: The launch event for the Caister CAP inside Scratby Village Hall. Picture - Norfolk ConstabularyThe launch event for the Caister CAP inside Scratby Village Hall. Picture - Norfolk Constabulary (Image: Norfolk Constabulary)

A Norfolk Constabulary spokesperson said: "With two very active CAPs in Great Yarmouth, and Gorleston already, we hope to broaden the support and intervention the partnerships offer to Caister and the rural villages."

Police have upped patrols for underage drinking in Caister, Ormesby and Scratby since September's Safer Neighbourhood Action Panel (SNAP) priority-setting meeting.

The next SNAP meeting for Caister and the coastal and rural Flegg villages will be held at Scratby Village Hall from 7pm on Thursday, December 14.