Plans for a solar farm large enough to power more than 8,500 homes could "dazzle" pilots and lead to a collision with other aircraft, Norwich Airport has warned. 

Pathfinder Clean Energy (Pace) is hoping to build a solar farm on a field northeast of Reepham Road near Horsford. 

The project would be operational for 40 years, taking one year to build and one year to decommission.

Eastern Daily Press: Pathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) is hoping to build a solar farm on a field northeast of Reepham Road in HorsfordPathfinder Clean Energy (PACE) is hoping to build a solar farm on a field northeast of Reepham Road in Horsford (Image: PA)

But the proposals have been met with backlash from local authorities and organisations - with Norwich Airport submitting an official objection letter following discussions with the developer.

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"The proposed development has been considered, and we find that certain elements cause us some concern," states a letter from an airport safeguarding officer.

"We object unless the solar panels [are] designed and mounted to prevent glare from dazzling or distracting pilots and air traffic controllers.

Eastern Daily Press: Norwich Airport has objected to the plansNorwich Airport has objected to the plans (Image: Denise Bradley)

"[This is] to avoid endangering the safe operation of aircraft through confusion with aeronautical ground lights or glare.

"[It] could cause pilots not to be able to see and therefore deconflict with other aircraft."

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If built, the solar farm would be built on 33.6 hectares - the equivalent of around 42 football pitches - and generate approximately 24.8 gigawatt hours of renewable energy each year.

As well as the solar panels, the development would include a substation, which would be less than 3.5 metres high and designed in a way to "minimise harm and mitigate any potential impacts".

Eastern Daily Press: Plans for the solar farmPlans for the solar farm (Image: Broadland District Council)

"Surely this site and solar reflection is adding a hazard and increased risk to pilots, airport operators, passengers and homes in the area at critical stages of flights," said a spokesman for Horsford Parish Council in a letter to Broadland District Council.

"The site will [also] change from agricultural land to that of acres of solar panels and will be visible from Reepham Road.

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"While solar is green energy and the parish council fully supports the policy of carbon zero we cannot understand why a site [excellent for growing crops] has been selected."

A planning statement from Pace said: "The site will be designed to enable continued agriculture in the form of grazing of livestock such as sheep, while also enhancing biodiversity through the change in intensive farming such as arable, to meadow and grazing land.

"Once decommissioned, the solar panels and associated infrastructure will be removed and the land returned to its former use."