The closing date for a Norfolk tip which county councillors voted to shut so they could save £70,000 has been announced.

Mayton Wood Recycling Centre, near Coltishall will shut for the final time on Friday, December 1, Norfolk County Council confirmed.

County Hall's Conservative-controlled cabinet voted unanimously to shut the tip at a meeting in October, saying it was no longer "fit for purpose".

The decision, which sparked anger, came despite more than 90pc of the 900 people who took part in the authority's consultation over the closure saying the site should stay open.

The council will save £70,000 by closing the tip, with council leaders saying the site was now "out-of-date".

They said people could instead use the recently built Norwich North recycling centre, with better access and fewer queues.

Officers at County Hall had recommended Mayton Wood for closure, saying usage has dropped since Norwich North, off the Northern Distributor Road, opened.

The county council has previously said it could have to consider introducing time slots for people wanting to head to tips - with the government set to allow people to get rid of more DIY waste for free.