A Norfolk council is set to put bins in all the men’s toilets it owns as part of a measure to help people undergoing prostate treatment. 

South Norfolk Council has agreed to put waste bins in all its toilets, including its offices and leisure centres, to help those suffering from incontinence dispose of sanitary products in a discreet manner. 

The proposal, which follows Prostate Cancer UK’s ‘Boys Need Bins’ campaign, was put forward by opposition Liberal Democrat group leader Chris Brown. 

Eastern Daily Press: Chris Brown, leader of the Liberal Democrats at SNCChris Brown, leader of the Liberal Democrats at SNC (Image: Archant)

He said: “I’m sure in this room many of us have known someone who has suffered from prostate cancer.

"One in eight men will get prostate cancer in their life and that will lead to bladder and bowel incontinence as a side effect of treatment. 

“This isn’t a small issue this is a significant issue for many people.”  

Daniel Elmer, Conservative deputy leader of the council, said the authority was already getting quotes to install the bins in its leisure centres. 

“There’s no limit on human dignity and you’re absolutely right to raise it,” he said.  

The motion was unanimously approved.