A four-week-old rescue kitten who was "born without a bum" is waiting for life-saving surgery.

The kitten, Nelly, was found in Shipdam and handed into The Grove Vets in Dereham on October 10.

After being warmed, rehydrated and cleaned of maggots and fly eggs, the vets found Nelly was missing an anus.

Eastern Daily Press: Little Nelly is four weeks oldLittle Nelly is four weeks old (Image: Stacey Scoffins)

Stacey Scoffins, a student vet nurse at The Grove who has agreed to foster Nelly, said: "She had essentially been pooping out of her vulva via a fistula.

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"It’s a condition that results in death very soon after birth, however little Nelly had made it to around four weeks out in the wild."

After The Grove's head vet, Hayley Gould, agreed to attempt the corrective surgery, Miss Scoffins launched a fundraiser for the necessary £1,400 to "give little Smelly Nelly the designer booty and the life she deserves".

Eastern Daily Press: It's a long road to recovery but she's a real fighterIt's a long road to recovery but she's a real fighter (Image: Stacey Scoffins)

"It's a long road to recovery with a lot of nursing, but she's a real fighter," Miss Scoffins said.

"Everyone at The Grove adores her already - she's a real favourite among the whole team."

Miss Scoffins thanked The Grove's "incredible" head vet and the practice's nursing team for "working around the clock for this little lady".

While she waits for her surgery, Nelly is living at The Same Star Sheep Sanctuary in Horning which Miss Scoffins runs with her partner Abby Daynes.

The GoFundMe fundraiser currently sits at £965.