A planning application has been submitted to build five homes in a Norfolk village.

The application is to build the properties on the land west of Low Road in Wortwell, a village between Harleston and Bungay.

The land where the applicant, Teresa Riches, hopes to develop the homes is on a grassland area behind the recently closed Wortwell Bell.

With the pub closure in mind, the documents say the development will "assist in supporting and retaining existing services" in the village.

Plans state that the proposed development will benefit the local economy, by providing "additional employment during the course of building works" and will also result in "new occupants supporting existing local services". 

Documents also claim that the proposed development will have "no adverse impact on existing residential amenity" and will "not harm the character" of the village. 

Eastern Daily Press: Wortwell is a village on the Norfolk/Suffolk border. PHOTO: Nick Butcher

READ MORE: MORE homes could be built in quiet Norfolk village as ANOTHER application submitted

Eastern Daily Press: Wortwell has many walking routes across its countrysideWortwell has many walking routes across its countryside (Image: Submitted)

Plans state that the homes will be detached and with either a detached or integrated garage.

The application site measures 0.8 hectares in size.

To view or comment on the plans, search reference number 2023/3002 in South Norfolk's planning portal on their website.

Eastern Daily Press: The Wortwell Bell The Wortwell Bell (Image: ©archant2016)