A man who "drifted into drug and alcohol dependency" was found dead in his home by his support workers after missing a rehab appointment.

Marcus Nuttall died at the age of 55 earlier this year with a coroner concluding it had been a drug-related death.

An inquest into his death heard that he long struggled with substance misuse but had been seeking help through the charity Change Grow Live.

In the weeks leading up to his death, he had been due to attend an in-patient rehabilitation course as he looked to overcome his addiction.

However, after he missed an appointment ahead of this admission, his social workers grew concerned about his welfare and attempted to contact him.

After being unable to get through, they visited his home in Plumstead Road, Norwich, where they saw him collapsed on his bed through a window.

They attempted to rouse him by banging loudly on the window, but when he did not respond they called 999.

When police and paramedics gained access to the property they found Mr Nuttall had died some days earlier.

The court heard Mr Nuttall had previously lived with his father, who had been moved into a residential care home following a fire at the property in 2019.

Mr Nuttall, however, continued to live in the home following the blaze - despite it having no heating or electricity.

Mr Nuttall's GP told the court that the skipper's mate had a long history of drug and alcohol use, while also suffering with depression and epilepsy.

He said: "He had a tumultuous childhood and drifted into alcohol and drug dependency."

A post mortem examination found that he had died of cardiorespiratory depression caused by drug toxicity.

It is not clear precisely when Mr Nuttall died, but his body was discovered on January 26 this year.

Assistant coroner Christopher Leach concluded he had died a drug-related death.