A person from Norwich has become a millionaire after scooping the jackpot prize in this month's Premium Bonds draw.

The winner has a holding of £30,000 in Premium Bonds and purchased their winning bond in May 2022.

They are the fourth person from Norwich to win the top prize.

Sally Swait, NS&I Assistant Retail Director, said: "Congratulations to our two jackpot winners from Norwich and Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

READ MORE: All of the Norfolk streets that won the Postcode Lottery in August

"We hope each of our winners enjoys their £1 million just in time to prepare for a cosy autumn.

"This month there are more 5.7 million winners including the two million pound jackpot winners and 90 winners who will receive £100,000."

Premium Bonds is an investment product issued by National Savings & Investments.

Unlike other investments, where investors earn interest or a regular dividend income, bonds are entered into a monthly prize draw where people can win between £25 and £1m tax-free.

It comes after five postcodes in Norfolk scooped £1,000 prizes after playing the Postcode Lottery in August.