A Norfolk woman has been left homeless after her motorhome was stolen while parked outside an Ikea store. 

Helen Gosling, 32, from Sheringham, has been travelling Europe with her partner Andrew White, 30, since November last year. 

The pair arrived in Italy last week and disaster struck when their Hymer motorhome was stolen.

Eastern Daily Press: Helen Gosling has been living in her motorhome since January 2022Helen Gosling has been living in her motorhome since January 2022 (Image: Helen Gosling)

They had parked at an Ikea in Collengo, near the city of Turin, when the vehicle was taken.

Fortunately, Miss Gosling's pet beagle named Honey Bear was allowed inside the store and was not in the motorhome when it was stolen. 

"We're so lucky," she said, "If we hadn't taken her inside god knows what would've happened.

"My heart's broken anyway, I could barely breathe."

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Valuables as well as sentimental items were taken with the vehicle, including the ashes of her late dog called Cookie. 

The couple were assisted by locals inside the shop who were able to help them communicate with police officers. 

One family have even opened their home up to the distraught couple.

Eastern Daily Press: Gianni Atzori and Claudia Marinaro have welcomed the pair into their two-bed flatGianni Atzori and Claudia Marinaro have welcomed the pair into their two-bed flat (Image: Helen Gosling)

Miss Gosling added: "If these people hadn't taken us in I don't know what we would've done, we would've been wandering the streets of Turin with a dog.

"The insurance company aren't helping and we're both unemployed, we really don't have much money. 

"I can't imagine a lot of people would do what they've done."

The pair have issued a plea for anyone who might have seen the motorhome in the Turin area to contact them.