A block of apartments with a "substantial" fire risk rating will undergo vital cladding works.

Norwich City Council has approved an application to carry out cladding remediation at the Grade II listed Albion Mill, which is a part of the Read Mills development in King Street.

The plans come after a 2021 survey of the site found the building did not meet the latest fire safety guidance, brought in after London's Grenfell Tower tragedy in which 72 people died in 2017.

Eastern Daily Press: Albion Mill in King StreetAlbion Mill in King Street (Image: William Warnes)

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The building's fire safety work did not meet regulations when constructed back in 2007 - despite being signed off by city council inspectors.

A fire risk assessment carried out in December 2021 also found there was a "substantial" fire risk rating at Albion Mill and its neighbours Cannon Wharf and The Malt House.

No specifics have yet been released about how the cladding remediation will be carried out.

The news comes as housing secretary Michael Gove continues to apply pressure on developers to improve safety in high-rise buildings. 

Eastern Daily Press: Minister for levelling up, housing and communities, Michael GoveMinister for levelling up, housing and communities, Michael Gove (Image: PA)

Progress since the 2017 Grenfell Tower fire has not been "fast enough", he told the House of Commons in July.

Mr Gove added his wish to "apologise again for the role of the government and others in failings that allowed the horrifying events of June 14, 2017 to unfold.

"I share their determination to see the truth uncovered, to make change happen and to have all those responsible held to account so justice is delivered.

"The need for all of us in government to learn from and to never repeat the scandalous mistakes of Grenfell couldn’t be more profound."

Do you live in Albion Mill or another part of the Read Mills development? Get in touch at william.warnes@newsquest.co.uk.