A suspected arson attack has sparked fears about the escalating dangers on a dilapidated site which is earmarked for hundreds of homes.

People living near the old May Gurney site in Trowse are becoming increasingly concerned about someone getting hurt after a major fire.

Eastern Daily Press: The site has been derelict for years The site has been derelict for years (Image: Serryus property company)

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Some 19 crews attended the huge blaze at the site on Saturday night at a former industrial site where plans have been lodged for 670 homes, combined with the neighbouring Deal Ground site.

It is understood that anti-social behaviour is a regular occurrence on the site as access is easy, with some gates wide open and derelict buildings left unsecured.

South Norfolk district councillor for Trowse, John Overton, said: “The site has locked gates and chains, and the police have been there on several occasions. 

“The damage these people have caused is disgusting and it makes me so angry, but I do not know what else the developers can do, people will always find a way to break in. 

Eastern Daily Press: Over the years Police have been called many times to anti social behaviour Over the years Police have been called many times to anti social behaviour (Image: Serruys Property Company)

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“It’s important to remember this damage hasn’t been done overnight - it’s been going on for years.

"I went into the office more than a year ago and even then all the double glazing was smashed, furniture torn apart, IT cables ripped out of every wall, so setting it on fire was obviously the next step in causing as much damage as possible.

"I would love to know what gives these vandals the right to break into private property and mindlessly trash it like this.” 

Eastern Daily Press: District Councillor John Overton thinks these vandals are disgusting District Councillor John Overton thinks these vandals are disgusting (Image: John Overton)

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The site was taken over by Serryus Property Company in 2013 with the aim of building 670 homes on the derelict land.

New plans have been lodged this month but the developer is also under investigation after a large number of trees were chopped down along the river on the Trowse site earlier this year.  

People living in the area have also stated they are concerned about what 670 new homes will mean for traffic and how it could have a negative effect on village life.

Serryus Property Company was contacted for comment following the fire, which police are treating as suspected arson.

Eastern Daily Press: The fire that happened Saturday night is suspected arson The fire that happened Saturday night is suspected arson (Image: James Rose)

Homes plan

The May Gurney and Deal Ground site is an abandoned and disused brownfield site with dilapidated buildings.   

Serryus Property Company (SPC) has lodged plans which would see a 670-home estate built on the land, which was earmarked for development in the East Norwich Masterplan, with outline planning approved in 2013.

The developer hopes for a final decision to be made this winter so that the building can start next year.

A total of 1,000sqft has been allocated for a riverside cafe and restaurant space on the northern part of the site, with a similar-sized area put aside for shops and commercial development.

SPC has split the site into thirds, with the northern section known as Wensum Edge, the middle alongside Carrow Abbey County Wildlife site as Fen Village and the south as Yare Newton.