A Norfolk council is set to spend thousands of pounds purchasing temporary accommodation for housing Afghan refugees. 

North Norfolk District Council’s (NNDC) cabinet has agreed to buy a four-bed house as ‘bridging accommodation’ - properties used while long-term solutions can be found. 

Where the house will be has not been revealed, with Wendy Fredericks, cabinet member for housing, saying it was a “sensitive” issue.

The property will cost £315,000, with half the funding coming from a government grant and the council making up the rest.

The purchase is the latest phase of scheme which started earlier this year.

In March, the government awarded NNDC £1.2m to partially fund the purchase of 11 properties.

As previously reported, the other 10 are currently being built and will be used to house Ukrainian refugees.

In the longer term, the property intended for Afghan refugees will be used as temporary accommodation to support homeless people in the district. 

When NNDC agreed to take the grant councillors criticised the government for not contributing enough - as the grant only covers around 40pc of the scheme to buy 11 affordable homes.

The houses are delivered in partnership with the housing association Flagship.