A Norfolk drug dealer and her partner have been jailed for running a county lines operation to sell tens of thousands of pounds worth of crack cocaine and heroin 

Mercede Silsbury, 26, continued to peddle drugs across the region with Michael Ndoro even after being arrested.

When police raided Ndoro’s home at Haverhill in Suffolk in the early hours of September 14 they found a mobile phone linking them to Class A drug dealing.

They also seized more than £12k in cash and £9k in class A drugs.

The investigation revealed the pair had been using hire cars to drive round, sell the drugs and move profits.

Eastern Daily Press: Mercede Silsbury from King's Lynn has been jailed for three years and two monthsMercede Silsbury from King's Lynn has been jailed for three years and two months (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

Silsbury, of North Star Court in King’s Lynn, was sentenced to three years and two months at Peterborough Crown Court after previously pleading guilty to being concerned in the supply of Class A drugs and acquiring criminal property.

READ MORE: Norfolk County Lines drugs kingpins jailed for 300 years

Ndoro, 29, was sentenced to four years and four months after admitting to being concerned in the supply of crack and heroin, three counts of possession with intent to supply Class A and three counts of acquiring criminal property.

Detective Constable Andy Macdonald of Cambridgeshire police, who investigated, said they were responsible for running a criminal enterprise. 

Eastern Daily Press: Class A drug wraps found as part of investigation into Mercede Silsbury and her partner Michael NdoroClass A drug wraps found as part of investigation into Mercede Silsbury and her partner Michael Ndoro (Image: Cambridgeshire Constabulary)

“Both of their sentences were increased due to them continuing to sell drugs after initially being arrested by police in July last year,” he said.

“County lines bring misery to our communities in the form of drug dealing, exploitation and violence.”

READ MORE: Norwich county lines drug dealers jailed for almost 10 years

The pair were arrested as part of Operation Hypernova, a crackdown carried out in conjunction with the Metropolitan Police, British Transport Police and the Eastern Regional Specialist Operation Unit.

It saw 33 county lines dismantled, with crack cocaine, heroin and cannabis worth more than £600,000 seized along with hundreds of pounds in cash and assets including vehicles, jewellery and clothing.