Parts of Norfolk were hit by flash flooding on Sunday night as thunderstorms hit the region.

West Norfolk was the worst affected, with fire crews attending a number of incidents in Hunstanton and King's Lynn.

It followed a Met Office yellow weather warning that was in place for 24 hours on Sunday (June 18), with widespread downpours across the region. 


Roads were quickly flooded with water as rain hammered down from about 5pm, with the Met Office predicting 30mm of rain in just one hour. 

An hour later, Norfolk Fire Service crews were called on a number of occasions as people reported flash flooding.

A property was flooding in South Quay in King's Lynn and there was also flooding in St Margaret's Place.

Elsewhere in Hunstanton, crews were called to Southend Road at 8.30pm.

A Met Office spokesman said that stormy conditions may continue into this week.

Met Office Deputy Chief Meteorologist Chris Almond said: “There’s an ongoing likelihood of further warnings being issued and revised in the coming days, so keep an eye on the forecast for the latest outlook.” 

The weather experts added that despite the shift to more thundery conditions, a plume of warm air is still influencing the UK weather, with temperatures through the weekend likely to remain mid to high 20C. 

There is a chance of localised showers in parts of Norfolk on Tuesday and Wednesday but the rest of the forecast remains sunny with patches of intermittent cloud.

*Were you hit by flooding? Please send your stories, pictures and videos to