From Roman settlers to Viking invaders, Norfolk wears the scars of Britain's historic and often bloody past.

This summer, you can tread the trails of our ancestors across beaches, forests and marshes.

Here are seven walks that uncover Norfolk's hidden history.

1. Roman Camp walk

Where: North Norfolk

Eastern Daily Press: The view from Beacon Hill in CromerThe view from Beacon Hill in Cromer (Image: Mike Page)

A diverse walk along clifftop paths and undulating hills, the Roman Camp walk starts at Meadow Road in Cromer and travels through East Runton, West Runton and Beeston Regis.

Standing 338 feet above sea level, the summit of Beacon Hill forms part of the Cromer Ridge, a line of glacial moraines formed during the last Ice Age. 

It is thought that the term "Roman Camp" was actually coined by the drivers of horse-drawn cabs in the late 19th century as a way of making the area more appealing to tourists.

A great challenge for any walker, it is mainly tracks and footpaths, with some steep inclines through woodland and open fields.

2. Boudicca's Way

Where: Norwich to Diss

Eastern Daily Press: Trace the path of Iceni warriors in Norfolk on the Boudica trailTrace the path of Iceni warriors in Norfolk on the Boudica trail (Image: Newsquest)

Running 36 miles from Diss to Norwich, Boudicca's Way follows Roman roads through the county as they made their way north to Scotland.

The route is named after the warrior queen of the Iceni, Boudicca, who rebelled against the Roman invasion in modern-day south Norfolk, what was then the Kingdom of the Eceni.

Despite its 36-mile length, there are plenty of stop-off points with pubs and shops along the way.

3. Loddon WW2 Heritage Trail

Where: Loddon

Eastern Daily Press: The Loddon Heritage trail features a curious folklore oddityThe Loddon Heritage trail features a curious folklore oddity (Image: Nick Butcher/Newsquest)

In preparation for the German invasion of Britain in 1940, various key towns and villages around the country were fortified with an array of defences.

Loddon was one such town, laden with pillboxes and mortar spigots to protect the important river crossing between Loddon and Chedgrave.

The walk starts to the south of Loddon at the bottom of High Bungay Road and features three pillboxes and roadblocks that would have been the last major chokepoint on the road to Norwich.

4. Venta Icenorum

Where: Caistor Saint Edmund

Eastern Daily Press: The Roman fort at Caistor is one of only three of its kind in the countryThe Roman fort at Caistor is one of only three of its kind in the country (Image: Newsquest)

Venta Icenorum, or Caistor Roman Town, was once one of the most important hubs in Roman Britain, and means "marketplace of the Iceni".

Abandoned in the 8th century, its 32-acre remains can still be seen and enjoyed today.

It is one of only three Roman towns in the country that were not built over in later centuries and lies only 3.5 miles to the south of the centre of Norwich.

5. Norwich Viking Trail

Where: Norwich

Eastern Daily Press: Follow the Viking's trail through Norwich and see their influence Follow the Viking's trail through Norwich and see their influence (Image: Newsquest)

Starting and ending at Fye Bridge, the Norwich Viking circular walk follows their settlement and expansion through the Anglo-Scandinavian town.

It is not known when Danish Vikings settled in Norwich but it is likely to have been in the late ninth century and the settlement was badly damaged by a raid by King Swein of Denmark in 1004.

Key points along the trail include The Forum where a rare Viking gold ingot was discovered during an excavation in 1998, indicating the site was used for gold-making.

6. Lyng Heritage Trail

Where: Lyng

Eastern Daily Press: The remains of Lyng's old chapel The remains of Lyng's old chapel (Image: Newsquest)

Home to The Great Stone of Lyng, this trail follows ancient woodland and showcases World War Two strategic defences.

Local legend says that The Great Stone of Lyng bleeds, that birds cannot be heard singing near it and that treasure is buried beneath it. 

A little under two miles long, there is plenty of history packed into this gentle walk.

7. Thetford Viking Trail

Where: Thetford

Eastern Daily Press: Thetford and its forest have enraptured visitors for centuriesThetford and its forest have enraptured visitors for centuries (Image: Newsquest)

In the year 869, Viking raiders established a winter settlement in Thetford, with the town continuing to thrive well into the 11th century.

It later fell into decline and was only redeveloped after World War Two, uncovering clues to its ancient Danish settlers.

Exploring places such as Thetford Castle and Saint Peter's Church, the trail can be walked in under two hours.