The Eastern Daily Press Norfolk Education Awards 2023 are now open for entries and nominations.

Launched for the first time this year, the awards will celebrate the very best of the region’s education sector, with a range of categories recognising the outstanding achievements of schools, colleges and universities, through to teachers, students and support staff.

Anyone can submit a nomination for a person or institution they feel deserves an award, with each category also open for entries from education providers and the people working for them.

Here we take a closer look at two of the categories and find out what the judges are hoping to see from entrants.

Secondary School of the Year

This award will recognise exceptional secondary schools that work with children from Year 7 through to Year 11.

The judges will be looking for evidence of a school’s commitment to learning, inclusivity and physical and emotional development, as well as examples of the work it does within the local community.

They will also consider how schools are supporting students’ future and career development, in addition to the provision of extra-curricular activities including clubs and sports teams.

Further or Higher Education Provider of the Year

This award will go to a further or higher education institution combining academic excellence with a widening participation programme that attracts a diverse intake of students.

Judges will look for institutions with a clear strategy for students’ emotional, physical and social development, as well as a focus on future career opportunities.

They will also want to see evidence of an ongoing commitment to mental health and wellbeing.

To enter or make a nomination for either of these categories, or to find out about the other categories, please visit It only takes two minutes to complete the nomination form.

The entry deadline is June 11, and the finalists will be invited to the awards ceremony on October 12 at Barnham Broom Hotel.