A poultry farm has applied to build new chicken sheds, which would increase its capacity from 140,000 to 360,000 birds. 

Amber Real Estate Investments wants to demolish existing sheds at True Hill Farm and Brook Lane Farm, at Brookville, near Methwold. 

A planning statement says: "The proposal seeks to expand an existing poultry business operation through the demolition of eight of the existing buildings across the two existing sites and then replace them with the erection of eight larger buildings, on an existing poultry farm known as True Hill Farm.

"The buildings will accommodate up to 360,000 birds in total and will be situated on the existing poultry farm."

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Plans for the site, off the B1122, also includes feed silos, an office, car parking, gas tanks and water tanks.

The statement adds: "As the existing buildings have outlived their usefulness, there is a need to replace them with modern alternatives.

"The ‘do nothing’ scenario in this case would result in the loss of birds to the business and therefore a loss of income and employment to the area."