The idea of introducing 20-minute neighbourhoods in Norfolk has been "hijacked" by groups spreading "unfounded and untrue" claims, the county council's acting leader has said.

Graham Plant criticised theories being spread about the concept, with concerns particularly intense in Thetford.

Eastern Daily Press: Graham Plant, deputy leader of Norfolk County CouncilGraham Plant, deputy leader of Norfolk County Council (Image: Jamie Honeywood Archant Norwich Norfolk)

Norfolk County Council agreed in December to explore whether a number of 20-minute neighbourhoods could be trialled in Norfolk, but have not identified locations.

The thinking is to plan developments so people can get to key services with no need to use a car.

But critics - amid growing internet claims - believe it is a precursor to people needing permits to drive and the introduction of 'climate lockdowns', with people forced to stay home to protect the environment.

Eastern Daily Press: Thetford, where claims about 20-minute neighbourhoods have been spreadThetford, where claims about 20-minute neighbourhoods have been spread (Image: Mike Page)

In February, about 200 people protested at a Thetford Town Council meeting, while a public meeting will take place in the town this week.

Eastern Daily Press: About 200 people protested at a meeting in ThetfordAbout 200 people protested at a meeting in Thetford (Image: LSB Film Productions)

At a meeting of Norfolk County Council on Tuesday (March 28), Thetford's two county councillors - Labour's Terry Jermy and Conservative Jane James - asked for reassurances over what is actually planned.

Eastern Daily Press: Terry Jermy, Labour county councillor for Thetford West Terry Jermy, Labour county councillor for Thetford West (Image: Archant)

Mr Plant said: "The idea of a 20-minute neighbourhood is to allow a person to reach services they require within 10-minutes to or from their home - the idea they do that by bike, by wheels or by walking.

Eastern Daily Press: Jane James, Conservative county councillor for Thetford EastJane James, Conservative county councillor for Thetford East (Image: Jane James)

"It seems to have been hijacked by a group who seem to think we are going to fence off 20-minute areas, you have to have a passport to get from one place to another and that they are not allowed to use vehicles in those areas.

"I can assure you that is not the case and there are absolutely no plans for residents to be locked up in their homes or neighbourhoods."

He said people would always be able to choose how to travel and "unfounded and untrue" rumours were causing "unneeded fear and panic".