Beds have been freed up in under-pressure Norfolk hospitals by temporarily moving patients into housing with care flats and into care homes.

The pioneering approach was brought in to prevent delayed discharges in the county's hospitals at a time when pressure has been mounting on NHS services.

Seventeen people assessed as being medically well enough to leave hospital, but not able to go home because they needed extra support, have been temporarily moved into housing with care flats in the county.

Those flats are usually offered to older people who need extra support, but want to retain their independence.

But a partnership between councils, housing associations and health bosses has seen hospital patients make use of them.

Those patients have been able to stay in those properties for up to four weeks, getting round-the-clock care and support before moving back home.

Eastern Daily Press: County councillor Shelagh GurneyCounty councillor Shelagh Gurney (Image: Shelagh Gurney)

Shelagh Gurney, Norfolk County Council's deputy cabinet member for adult social care said: "So far, our housing with care flats have been used to support 17 people to leave hospital and receive the care they need to enable them to return home.

"We now have 23 housing with care flats available and are working with the community hospitals to identify people who would benefit from moving into this environment, whilst their care package is being put in place."

Norfolk County Council-owned Norse Group has also been taking hospital patients into its NorseCare homes.

Eastern Daily Press: Alec Reynolds, 96, was one of the first to benefit from the Norfolk County Council, NHS and Norsecare initiative to move hospital patients into care homes. Pic: NorseCareAlec Reynolds, 96, was one of the first to benefit from the Norfolk County Council, NHS and Norsecare initiative to move hospital patients into care homes. Pic: NorseCare (Image: NorseCare)

Paul Gilligan, Norse’s director of care, said: "The problem in Norfolk is acute, so we really need to be proactive and collaborate to solve the problem.

"I am really proud that Norfolk is amongst the first to facilitate this alliance, and I believe we have come up with a model which could be used during future winter pressures and repeated in other parts of the UK."