A scheme which supports people dealing with isolation and hearing loss will be able to continue its work in Breckland thanks to a £5,000 grant. 

Cuppa Care has been awarded funding from Breckland Council’s Inspiring Communities programme. 

Operating from a mobile bus, staff and volunteers visit central meeting points and offer support to the community over a cup of tea.

The project is led by Norfolk Deaf Association and delivered jointly alongside Vision Norfolk, Age UK Norwich, Norfolk LGBT+ Project, Norfolk Citizens Advice, Norfolk and Waveney Mind, Age UK Norfolk and The Wellbeing Service of NSFT. 

Mark Mabbitt, from Cuppa Care, said: "This grant will go a long way to supporting our project, enabling us to provide an even more comprehensive service for people across Breckland.

"The support provided by Cuppa Care volunteers helps break down barriers, combat loneliness and reduce social isolation."

Visit visionnorfolk.org.uk/cuppa-care-project for details on how to access Cuppa Care services.