It may still be five weeks away but Black Friday will be thrust upon us a long time before November 25.

While we might look forward to picking up a few pre-Christmas bargains online or in stores, this year we might also want to start getting prepared so that we don’t end up spending excessive amounts on things that we really don’t need at the moment.

Once the domain of our North American friends, Black Friday became a thing in the UK in 2010 when Amazon offered some massive online discounts to British customers, before Asda (owned by American giant Walmart) decided to bring the same opportunity for post-Thanksgiving discounts to it’s UK stores.

Since then, we’ve seen the Black Friday craziness become the most hyped up event in the shopping calendar, and it feels as though it has been part of our lives for a lot longer than 12 years.

It’s not just the one day either. Originally the equivalent of our Boxing Day sales, Black Friday slashed prices for a single day. This quickly became extended to a long weekend, before extending much-hyped, over-promoted sales, savings and offers for the full week…and beyond.

So how can we make the best of the Black Friday offers, whilst also protecting ourselves from overspending that comes so easily to many?

Although the event itself doesn’t happen for a few weeks, the pre-festive promotions will soon be starting.

Your email inbox and your social media adverts will be bombarded with pre-Black Friday offers any day now. You’ll be seeing teasers that the must-have kitchen gadget that you didn’t even realise you wanted until you saw three adverts for the same thing before breakfast, is going to be reduced in a few weeks.

Yes, the Crazy Spending seeds are being prepared and planted right now. And they are designed to get you putting things into your online basket in readiness to get your credit card ready just as soon as the Black Friday Beast is unleashed!

If you WANT to take advantage of the upcoming offers then know what you want, what you need and set yourself a budget. This could be a good way of getting your Christmas shopping completed in good time, but set boundaries and don’t go beyond them.

Eastern Daily Press: Shoppers walk past Black Friday signsShoppers walk past Black Friday signs (Image: PA Wire)

If you find the temptation of email offers too much to resist, get unsubscribing now, so that they don’t get as far as your inbox! Only keep those that are an absolute necessity.

Black Friday is here to stay, and it’s not going to get any less crazy, but don’t get yourself caught up in the frenzy if you need to be focusing your finances elsewhere right now.

After all, the pre-Christmas sales will soon be upon us too!

For more from Norfolk-based financial expert Kim Uzzell head to or follow her on Instagram @kimuzzellmoneycoach.

Eastern Daily Press: The EDP has launched the Your Money Matters campaignThe EDP has launched the Your Money Matters campaign (Image: Archant)


If you are looking for financial help and advice, here are some of the resources you can turn to locally.

Norfolk Citizens Advice
Offers free, confidential and impartial advice on debt, benefits and money issues.
0800 1448 848

Money Support Service
Norfolk County Council service for those needing help with budgeting.
01603 223392 (option 4)

Community Action Norfolk
Charity offering help including warm homes and collective oil buying scheme.
01362 698216

Norfolk Community Foundation
Charity that runs schemes including nourishing Norfolk and community shops.
01603 623958

Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS)
Helps people who are in financial hardship and cannot pay their living costs.
0344 8008020

The Trussell Trust
Free 'Help through Hardship' helpline and foodbank search tool.
0808 208 2138