Since their birth the tiger cubs have delighted all the visitors that have made the trip to see them. Initially everyone could watch their progress on the CCTV but it wasn't long before Sveta took them outside and they have been enjoying the sunshine ever since.

Yesterday was another very hot day and Kuzma decided to cool off in the large pond in the enclosure. He loves the water but Sveta is not quite so keen and she normally only dips her toes in. While he was relaxing in the water Sveta came round with the twins and had a drink from the edge of the pond whilst both cubs could see their dad in the water. This seemed to baffle them somewhat and one of them tried to walk straight over to him across the floating pond weed and got quite a shock when it found itself suddenly chest deep in water. She backed out rather quickly and went straight over to mum for a little bit of reassurance and TLC. No doubt this will change as they grow up and the pond will become a favourite playground for them.