Older people are being encouraged to get involved with a free slipper swap event this month to keep themselves safe.

Norfolk Library and Information Service has teamed up with Norfolk's Living Well Healthy Communities team to promote safety in the home, with a series of events for the county's older generation.

Selected Norfolk libraries will be taking part in a Slipper Swap, where older people are invited to bring along their old slippers and exchange them for a new safer slip-resistant pair - for free.

Paul Smyth, Norfolk County Council communities committee chairman, said: 'Winter can be a particularly hazardous time for the old and infirm so it is important the county council holds events like the slipper swap, which not only provide people with safer footwear but also useful information on how to improve their own health and personal safety during the Winter months.

'I hope therefore that older people living near the participating libraries will avail themselves of the free help that is on offer.'

Cromer, North Walsham and Fakenham are three of ten market towns across Norfolk ear-marked by the Healthy Communities health and wellbeing project as having the greatest overall health need in the county. More slipper swaps are expected in the future around the county.

The event is also a chance to learn about becoming a Dementia Friends and find out about the Book on Prescription scheme.

Falls cost Norfolk an estimated £19m every year.

• The event will take place on: Oct 9, Cromer Library, 10am to noon; Oct 16, North Walsham, 10am to noon; Oct 17, Fakenham Library, 10.30am to 12.30pm.