Roadworks are to begin on B1146 Quebec Road in Dereham on Monday, July 24, starting with minor kerbing and footway work ahead of major carriageway resurfacing on Monday, July 31.

The site will extend from the junction with Swaffham Road through to the junction with De Narde Road. with work scheduled to finished on Tuesday, August 8.

During the kerbing and footway works traffic will be controlled by two way temporary signals, while the resurfacing of the carriageway will require the road to be closed to all traffic between 9am and 4pm each day.

Access to businesses and properties will be maintained from one end of the closure at any time but Norfolk County Council said that some disruption is expected.

The work which will cost a total of £168,000 and will be carried out by Norfolk County Council's Community & Environmental Services Department and their contractors.