NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Trustees of the Oceaneering International Services Limited Pension Scheme ('the Scheme') will shortly be winding-up the Scheme, and wish to trace any persons who were or are a member of the Scheme or who believe that they may have any right to benefits from the Scheme.



NOTICE IS HEREBY given that the Trustees of the Oceaneering International Services Limited Pension Scheme ('the Scheme') will shortly be winding-up the Scheme, and wish to trace any persons who were or are a member of the Scheme or who believe that they may have any right to benefits from the Scheme.

If you were a member of the Scheme and consider that you may be entitled to benefits and have not already been contacted (or are a widow, widower, child or dependant of such a member), please contact Buck, Level 5, Exchange Crescent, 7 Conference Square, Edinburgh EH3 8AN (tel: 0131 221 5300). Please state your name, address, M number, and dates of employment with Oceaneering, and provide details of your claim (along with any evidence supporting your claim) and any benefits you think you are entitled to, before 16 November 2018.

It is the Trustees' intention to apply the assets of the Scheme in securing the remaining benefits attributable to persons so entitled as soon as possible. If the Trustees are not aware of your entitlement under the Scheme before this date, the Trustees will proceed with the winding-up of the Scheme, and will not be liable in respect of any person whose entitlement has not been so notified to them before 16 November 2018.

If you already receive a pension from the Scheme, or you have received announcements regarding the winding up of the Scheme or the buyout of the Scheme's liabilities, you do not need to write to the Trustees as they already have full details about your entitlements. For and on behalf of the Trustees of the Oceaneering International Services Limited Pension Scheme