Welcome to Night Vale, one of the most downloaded podcasts in the world, will stage a live stand-alone story at Epic Studios, one of only five dates in the UK on a world tour.

Eastern Daily Press: Welcome to Night Vale is coming to NorwichWelcome to Night Vale is coming to Norwich (Image: Archant)

It is one of the most downloaded podcasts in the world, now Norfolk fans of the strange and darkly funny American sci-fi series Welcome To Night Vale will get to experience it live.

As part of a 40 city world tour, the podcast creators are bringing a new story to Epic Studios in Norwich, one of only five dates in the UK.

The twice-monthly podcast, which has been compared to The Twilight Zone, Stephen King stories and Twin Peaks, began in 2012 and quickly gained a cult following.

It is set in the small fictional desert town of Night Vale where every conspiracy theory is real, including lights in the night sky and dark hooded figures with unknowable powers.

Eastern Daily Press: Joseph Fink, Cecil Baldwin and Jeffrey Cranor of Welcome to Night ValeJoseph Fink, Cecil Baldwin and Jeffrey Cranor of Welcome to Night Vale (Image: Archant)

A radio drama masquerading as a community radio show hosted by Cecil Palmer (played by Cecil Baldwin), it follows the day to day lives of residents and features news and weather reports and announcements from the police department about the mysterious goings-on.

The live show in Norwich will feature the dramatisation of an entirely new script never to be heard on the podcast. It will be a completely stand-alone story meaning it can be enjoyed by both long-time fans of the show and newcomers alike.

Created by Joseph Fink and Jeffrey Cranor the success of Welcome To Night Vale has outgrown its podcast origins and now takes in bestselling novels, shows and a TV series currently in development.

• Welcome to Night Vale will be at Epic Studios, Norwich, on January 28, 7pm, £25, 01603 727727, epic-tv.com