A snappy new sculpture has been unveiled in Hemsby.

The giant, colourful letters in Beach Road are part of a package of investment in the village styling itself as an eco-resort full of the latest gadgetry.

It was given the official seal of approval on Tuesday (August 16) as Graham Plant mayor of Great Yarmouth, dressed in ceremonial robes for the occasion, posed in front of the artwork alongside civic dignitaries, officials, and leading Hemsby figures from the lifeboat and tourism sphere.

Mr Plant hailed the importance of Hemsby to the local economy, tagging it "truly thriving".

He said: "It is literally a small sign - especially compared to its glittering 17m cousin just down the road - but the two represent something much more."

He went on to praise eco-friendly measures including the bottleship sculpture, Hemsby community fridge and "intelligent" recycling bins that compact rubbish and tell collectors when they are full under the FACET project.

"Working together we can make a sustainable and successful future for the home-grown tourism, for our residents and our visitors, and for our children and their children.

"That may start with snapping them in a selfie here, but can lead to so much more."

Justin Ettridge, customer experience manager at Richardson's, which has provided and landscaped the sign's setting, said it had "really lifted" the village and Beach Road.

"It has been a real attraction," he said.

"We have seen lots of visitors having their photo with it and the colours are great.

"It has definitely put Hemsby on the map and given it a bit of sparkle."

The metal sign which is 1.5m tall, 7m wide and sits on a 40cm plinth has been paid for by the Government's Welcome Back fund with Richardson's supplying the site.

The unveiling was also an opportunity to officially open Richardson's new Coastal Cafe in Beach Road in traditional style with a ribbon cutting.

The mayor was then given a tour of the new recycling measures including the Hemsby re-usable cup scheme which aims to cut down on waste from takeaway drinks.

Any businesses wanting to get involved with circular economy scheme FACET should contact benjamin.gulliver@great-yarmouth.gov.uk