A primary school has received some much needed books in its library as part of the upcoming World Book Day on March 4.

The books were donated to Blundeston Primary School by Morrisons Foundation in partnership with the National Literacy Trust.

A recent study from the National Literacy Trust of 58,346 children aged 9 to 18 in the UK showed that reading has provided a vital refuge for children during the ongoing lockdowns.

Fifty-nine per cent of children stated that reading during lockdown made them feel better and 32pc said it helped them when they felt sad that they could not see their family and friends.

Fifty per cent of children said that reading inspired them to dream about the future beyond Covid-19

Sheryl Rumble, community champion from the Morrisons store in Lowestoft, Pakefield, delivered the books to Blundeston Primary School.

She said: “I’m so proud to be helping kids in my community through this donation of books.

"We are living through challenging times and I hope these stories will give children at Blundeston Primary some fun and enjoyment.”