A large street art mural has been painted behind a bus stop in Great Yarmouth, but was it the work of Banksy?

The piece, which depicts a man and a woman dancing while an accordionist plays, appeared behind the bus stop on Admiralty Road on Friday morning.

Eastern Daily Press: What are your thoughts on the art work? Email james.weeds@archant.co.ukWhat are your thoughts on the art work? Email james.weeds@archant.co.uk (Image: James Weeds)

Perry Bartram, a resident of the town, said: "It's exciting if the real Banksy has been to Great Yarmouth."

Kaavous Clayton, manager of Primeyarc art gallery alongside Jules Devonshire, said: "Artistic expression is an essential element of our cultural activity.

"Anything that raises the profile, importance and relevance of art and artists and their contribution to society is good.

"There are lots of artists working in Great Yarmouth and if this encourages people to seek them out and engage with their work too that would be great."

Are you the mystery artist behind the work? Email james.weeds@archant.co.uk

Eastern Daily Press: Was this the work of Banksy on Admiralty Road?Was this the work of Banksy on Admiralty Road? (Image: James Weeds)

Eastern Daily Press: The art work can be seen down Admiralty Road in Great Yarmouth.The art work can be seen down Admiralty Road in Great Yarmouth. (Image: James Weeds)