After dominating the skyline of Great Yarmouth seafront throughout the summer, a Ferris wheel is being dismantled on the Golden Mile.

Cranes and lorry trailers surround the "Yarmouth eye" marking the true end of season for traders.

The wheel, which stands next to the Sea Life centre, is being taken down after being in place since April.

%image(14417157, type="article-full", alt="Great Yarmouth seafront.")

The attraction, run by brothers Evan and Jake De-Koning, had a 216-passenger capacity with 36 capsules.

The 50m tall structure could be seen from the Acle Straight, and had been consistently in operation throughout the Easter and summer seasons.

%image(14417158, type="article-full", alt="14 of the 36 gondolas have been stored on a lorry trailer.")

In September, supervisor Michael Murphy said: "It's not been a bad summer.

"We've stayed open later than planned and it has been really well received."

This newspaper praised the quiet inside the carriages as well as the "breath taking" views from the top of the wheel.

The directors of the Big Wheel have been contacted for comment.

Did you ride the Yarmouth eye? Share your thoughts to

%image(14417159, type="article-full", alt="The cranes are in to dismantled the "Yarmouth eye".")

%image(14417160, type="article-full", alt="The wheel was without its gondolas on Monday.")

%image(14417161, type="article-full", alt="The gondolas have been removed.")

%image(14417162, type="article-full", alt="The gondolas have been removed and placed onto a trailer.")

%image(14417163, type="article-full", alt="The Big Wheel first arrived in April.")

%image(14417164, type="article-full", alt="The Big wheel's gondolas have been removed.")