Struggling to get back to the gym? We speak to Alice Ladbrooke from UEA's Sportspark to find out why a group fitness class might hold the key.

Eastern Daily Press: Sportspark has over 60 regular, weekly classes to suit all levels of fitness. Picture: Getty ImagesSportspark has over 60 regular, weekly classes to suit all levels of fitness. Picture: Getty Images (Image: Archant)

Hands up if you joined a gym this January – or at least promised yourself to get down there more often to make use of the membership you already have? How is it going? Are you still waking up ready to hit the treadmill as determined as before?

It tends to be easier in the first few weeks, as your 'new year, new you' mantra is in full swing, but a few weeks in and the challenge really begins. Christmas, and all of its indulgences, might be a thing of the past, but it's still cold, dark and dreary... with a growing to-do list as projects you put off until Christmas get fully underway.

'After relaxing at Christmas, lots of people aim to improve their fitness in January,' says Alice Ladbrooke, marketing and communications co-ordinator at Sportspark. 'We try to encourage as many new users as possible, as it can be difficult to get going and a small percentage of these new starters fade away as work and other commitments make them lose focus.'

So how do you stick to a new regime and get the results you want? 'It takes 66 days to create a new habit so it's important to stick with a programme for at least this long,' says Alice. While personal trainers can encourage you along your fitness journey, group classes can also help.

'Going 66 days on your own can be tough! But group exercise can provide accountability, fun, new friendships and encouragement. At Sportspark, we have over 60 group exercise classes to get involved with on a weekly basis, ranging from yoga to indoor cycling. Get fit through climbing, train for a triathlon with Tri-Splash or improve your flexibility with an adult gymnastics class – we even offer an archery course! We also have a range of classes within our Fitness in Later Life programmes.

'Finding the activity you enjoy means it becomes part of your lifestyle,' says Alice, and throughout January, Sportspark is offering a free day pass to give you the chance to try out a variety of activities.

Find out more at the Sportspark website.