One reader thinks the football can do without musical accompaniment. Do you agree?

Am I a spoilsport for thanking Phil Cutter of the Murderers for forewarning that the England match will be shown that evening 'accompanied' by a four piece band?

I enjoy watching football and part of the enjoyment is the atmosphere. However, when it comes to England's games and with apologies to the excellent team of TV commentators, I have to turn the sound right down.

Why? Because the incessant drumming drives me crazy.

Occasional encouragement and celebratory chords in the event of an England goal and to hail a win are acceptable, but this continuous 'noise' is not music to my ears.

Any thoughts of attending a match and being within earshot of that drum fill me with dread. The opposition should be beaten not a drum.

Am I alone in this? I am a musician and enjoy music of many genres but it should be composed not imposed.

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