I would like to congratulate David Cameron on the way he is helping me to decide.

First there was the spectacular build-up with a promise of a free vote in the in/out referendum. Then came the spending of millions to tell us how to vote. After this, we got a lukewarm promise from EU authorities about conditions (this is not binding) and no prospects about immigration controls, which is (for me) the main issue. His latest offering is to talk about the cost of infrastructure change if we leave. I believe this would be far more if we stayed in and allowed free access to more European immigrants. Consider the infrastructure changes to cope with this: more housing, schools, roads hospitals and utilities. Think ahead for about three generations, I hate to think what our census will show in 50 years' time.

All being well, I won't be around then, assuming they can find somewhere to bury me. So, thanks Dave. I will definitely be voting to leave.

•Derek Cooper, Carter Road, Drayton

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