One reader thinks there should be serious consequences for those who abuse animals. What do you think?

Reading the Evening News (July 9) it broke my heart and yes, I cried, to see the picture and story about that poor injured dog found in Norwich.

I wonder, considering the dreadful state it was in, how many people had passed it by, until that one kind person reported it and was told to take it to the vets and then to another to give it some hope and comfort.

Sadly nothing it seems could be done so sadly it had to be put to sleep. At least the poor dog is out of its pain and misery.

I hope the person or persons who caused the dreadful injuries are found. Someone must know who once owned the poor dog and will have the courage to say who did it.

There is so much cruelty towards animals and owners of 'so-called' pets who ill treat them should be punished and not just get a slap of the wrist.

To the good person who helped that poor dog, I say thank you.

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