Councillors could be set to give approval for more than 900 homes to be built in Thorpe St Andrew.

Broadland District Council's planning committee will hold its monthly meeting tomorrow morning and the future look of the town could change dramatically if officer recommendations are followed.

As well as the 302 homes being proposed for the controversial Pinebanks and Griffin Lane sites, plans for up to 600 homes at another site have also re-emerged.

The Brook Farm site, on arable land between Broadland Business Park, the Dussindale estate and Thorpe End, is back before the planning committee.

The development would include a link road between Peachman Way on the business park and Plumstead Road East, and 14.6 hectares of land being available to expand the business park. The proposal would also see Green Lane being cut off to vehicles and becoming a pedestrian and cycle route. Land to the immediate north of the existing Green Lane vehicle crossing of the Norwich to Sheringham rail line has also been identified for a rail halt, although there is no provision for the developer to build a station there.

In August 2011, councillors agreed to delegate authority to Broadland's head of development management and conservation to grant planning permission, subject to various conditions.

After officers were satisfied that various technical issues in the proposals had been improved, the plans have been back before the planning committee and councillors are being recommended that power is delegated for the authority's head of planning to grant permission, if Section 106 planning agreements are agreed upon.

These include funds being paid to Thorpe St Andrew Town Council equivalent to a new football pitch, changing rooms, parking for 30 cars, new tennis courts or improvements to existing ones and improvements to lawn bowls facilities in the town, although these would not be built on the Brook Farm site.

The Pinebanks and Griffin Lane sites are similarly being recommended for powers to be delegated to the head of planning to approve the plans subject to S106 agreements for both sites being agreed.

This includes £1.7m for a new sports hall at Thorpe St Andrew School, as part of a 'sports hub' intended to replace some of the lost facilities from the former Norwich Union sports ground at Pinebanks, which was closed down in February 2008.

- For news of the planning decisions tomorrow, go to or, and see Thursday's EDP or Norwich Evening News for full reaction to the committee's decisions.