As part of a new daily online series we look back on what was making the news on this day in Norfolk. Today, we look at the Eastern EDaily Press front page of February 25th, 1946.

Civilian riots in Bombay in sympathy with Andian Navy strikers died down yesterday. The British crusier Glasgow and two destroyers have dropped anchor in the harbour and other heavier units of the Royal Navy, it is understood, are standing outside.

In the city, where official figures gave the casualties sice roting began as 210 killed and 1017 injured, there were yesterday only sporadic outbursts of stone-throwing and looting.

The previous day (Saturday) was the worst day of rioting in the history of bombay. Seventy-five people, according to one estimate, were killed o Saturday and troops and police were compelied to fire at least 60 times.

'Much Healthier'

BOMBAY, Sunday.

The situation is officially described as 'much healthier' since the imposition of the curfew last night, though the police opened fire twice today at two points - in the mill area in the north of the city, and near Grant road, in the central or Indian section.

Most of the Bombay mills which started working this morning were forced to close again later, because of persistant stone-throwing, but a communique issued at 7.50pm (local time) said: 'The situation in the city is now completely under control.'

Over 1000 people have so far been arrested in a police round-up of 'bad characters.'

Naval ratings in R.I.N ships and shore establishments are going back to duty and normal disapline is being restored. Guards have been mounted on the ships guns immoblised and arms handed in.

Vice-Admiral Godfry went aboard his flagship, H.M.I.S Narbada, tonight to address ratings while Lieut-General Lockhart G.O.C-in-C. Southern Command, visited R.I.N shore stations.

More Troops

More troops were reported to have arrived at Bombay today, says New Delhi radio.

At Karachi British troops were withdrawn about noon after patrolling with the police during the night. The city was quiet and returning to normal. Casualities in yesterday's incidents there totalled four killed and 43 injured, including ten policemen.

In Calcutta over 50 R.I.N ratings decided today to prolong their strike peacefully until their demands were met. A deputation of strikers was indivised by Mr Jinnah, president of the Moslem League, to call off the strike.

Preliminary inquiries are being insituted by ships' captins and courts of inquiry will be convened later, states the communique.

Service casuaities up to this morning including two R.I.N officers and one railing killed, one R.I.N officer and and fourteen ratings wounded.

The naval central strike committee of R.I.N ratings' represenitives in a statement today said: 'The Navy will hesitate for one moment to come out on strike again if the authorities make an attempt to victimise a single striker.'-Reuter.